Successfully, as a woman "sex offender" on the run, your community neighbors will try to convince you that "You have made the bed; Now sleep in it!" The strategy will become: You have to settle with someone who represents everything you despise in life.
The battle stacks up on you as all of your friends who you think are friends whisper, murmur, and hiss behind your back, in the bushes, near your window, near your door, and every where you go.
As the tax fraud coverup and Susanville attorney, Eugene Chittock, once proclaimed in open court about Kini, the female sex offender, "She will never get along with anyone where ever she goes!"
You will witness people who are privileged and who have benefitted from society. The lazy's, the drug addict and alcoholic, the reformed drug addicts and alcoholics who have contorted brain waves. These will be the ones who will undermine you and exhaust you with their willful ignorance and common banality.
The battle stacks up on you as all of your friends who you think are friends whisper, murmur, and hiss behind your back, in the bushes, near your window, near your door, and every where you go.
As the tax fraud coverup and Susanville attorney, Eugene Chittock, once proclaimed in open court about Kini, the female sex offender, "She will never get along with anyone where ever she goes!"
You will witness people who are privileged and who have benefitted from society. The lazy's, the drug addict and alcoholic, the reformed drug addicts and alcoholics who have contorted brain waves. These will be the ones who will undermine you and exhaust you with their willful ignorance and common banality.
If housing is scarce, you may find that you have to "shack" up with someone who will count and watch how many times you have to empty your bladder. Another report while under "observation."
Keeping your separate identity is an additional chore.
After you have suffered a week of it, you will collapse when foced to have to ride the bus for 50 cents. It is here the that nausea settles in and causes you to harbor every cell that's forcing you to puke everywhere.
While your abilities are being repressed and the community neighbors have their turn to psychologically batter you with their dirty deeds, it is just another battle to stay coherent. But, you know, if you were to become faint and collapse, some filthy human animal would carry you away in their jaws. And, no one. No one will be there to help you.
If you try to be "nice," the filthy lucre in your life will take that niceness as a weakness and use it to manipulate your going in's and going out's. Though you never did anything to hurt anybody, they sneak around your back trying to use every form of psychological abuse to belittle you, to make you feel like a nuisance, to make you give up your hopes for their hopes, forcing you to sell all of your property so that you can spend the little money you have on their "party" habits.
Once law enforcement proclaims you as "mentally ill" and "crazy," others set out in their foot steps to bad mouth you as well. You will find that tax payers pay law enforcement to investigate using informants, the filthy lucre, to find out your plans, mindset, ideas, and your overall welfare.
While your abilities are being repressed and the community neighbors have their turn to psychologically batter you with their dirty deeds, it is just another battle to stay coherent. But, you know, if you were to become faint and collapse, some filthy human animal would carry you away in their jaws. And, no one. No one will be there to help you.
If you try to be "nice," the filthy lucre in your life will take that niceness as a weakness and use it to manipulate your going in's and going out's. Though you never did anything to hurt anybody, they sneak around your back trying to use every form of psychological abuse to belittle you, to make you feel like a nuisance, to make you give up your hopes for their hopes, forcing you to sell all of your property so that you can spend the little money you have on their "party" habits.
Once law enforcement proclaims you as "mentally ill" and "crazy," others set out in their foot steps to bad mouth you as well. You will find that tax payers pay law enforcement to investigate using informants, the filthy lucre, to find out your plans, mindset, ideas, and your overall welfare.
As a woman sex offender, your word will be completely worthless, void and null of effect and no decent person will want to communicate with you. You will have no credible witness to see what law enforcement doesn't see.

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