It has been ruled legally that an inmate, prospective convict, or questionable suspect, is permitted to wear their religious medallions in jail (within reason). Once during a wrongful incarceration in Lassen County, California, I was wearing a tiny Star of David on a delicate 28 gage filigree 14k gold womens necklace. Regardless, the jailer confiscated my jewelry indicating that I could hang myself with the chain but that I could keep the Star of David only. I don't remember whatever happened to my necklace. If anyone sees it or finds it, please return it to me. Greatly, appreciated. Kini

This is a blog based on decisions by terrorist supporting Judges and Jews who have been shielded by immunities to flout the laws of anti-chaos and human rights. These are cases based on true events where defamation by the United States Government of this author has manifested itself into a Bill of Attainder and eventual death by cruel and unusual punishment.
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