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Prison Prep 101

Prison Prep 101

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Jews Owe Leni Riefenstahl An Apology

The Jews Owe Leni Riefenstahl An Apology "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities" Voltaire

After WWII, the Nazi hunters tracked Leni Riefenstahl down and charged her for crimes against humanity. Even though she was never convicted, she was treated as a common Nazi. All's she ever wanted to do was be an professional photographer artist.


Since history began, the jews have been instrumental in tearing down a woman's reputation without her ever having recourse. But, Leni did. Leni Riefenstahl, at 90-100 years made the world see that she did not condone the Nazi party.

Leni Riefenstahl could have been punished by the Nazi's because of the Nazi perspective of Aryan Superiority.  Leni was very good friend with the African Numa Tribe.

At 101 years old she still scuba dived in some of the most dangerous waters capturing the most incredible photographs. She loved her art and she was so blinded by her art, she did not fully understand the implements of it. What was she to do in the country she loved. Was she to hide Jews? Was she to smuggle them out? Was she to protect them? Was she to resist Hitler's actions? As a maniacally hardworking planner of her destiny, was she to give away all her money so she could earn her way to Yad Vashem-The Righteous Among the Nations?

Go to your nearest library and check out out for free.

She lived to be 101 years old. And, Leni Riefenstahl vindicated and defended herself from the way the Jews tore up her reputation. Leni started out as an independent actress performing in Greenland climbing the highest mountains in the arctic circle, bearing the freeze, risking her life to do activities unheard of today. She earned her awards and invested it wisely doing what she loved to do: photography. Leni Riefenstahl's story is more than a motivation for women. It is also as disturbing when she suffered the consequences of defamation.

Why did Hitler hate the Jews?

I know personally because I have had intimate relations with the Jews and can name more than several Jews who have caused economical pain and suffering through their curses. Not only one Jew but a handful: Randy Bowman, Elton Kantor, Kem Kantor, Alan Lazar, Chief Judge Alex Kozinski, Lori Finkel, Rori and Renald Cosma and my sons, Nicholas and Matthew who the Jews caused for them to believe the criminal slander and lies.

JFK praises Adolf Hitler  .


The Jews owe Leni Riefenstahl an apology but they will never apologize because the Jews are arogant filth and vermin, something that needs to be eradicated.

After you review her testimony, listen to John Lennon's, Woman is the Niger of the World

In my experience, several Jews have been the leading cause of my demise. Indirectly, they have been responsible for ordering, inter alia, arbitrary arrests, prosecutorial misconduct, torture, harassment, confiscation of real and personal property. Most all actions violating my federal and state rights. 

District courts dismissed all of the claims so no one would be held accountable and the pattern of abuse would continue. As a result, they intended/intend to cause me financial exploitation; wrongfully taking and/or threatening to take assets, funds, or property; misappropriating, misusing money and failing to use the income and assets effectively for my benefit. 

They have threatened significant physical and emotional harm through the use of derogatory and inappropriate names, insults, verbal assaults, profanity, and ridicule, harassment, coercion, punishment, deprivation, threats, implied threats, intimidation, humiliation, mental cruelty, and inappropriate sexual comments; threats to withhold services. 

They have supported gestured communication, emotional harm includes anguish, distress, fear using law enforcement; affidavits containing unsubstantiated conclusions and imprecise accusations resulting from multiple civil and human right violations. 

Federal courts have thrown out all of my §1983 claims because I am a woman. They knowingly and willfully conspired to injure, oppress, threaten, and intimidate me in the free exercise and enjoyment of the rights and privileges secured to me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, that is, the right to be free from involuntary servitude secured by the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, all in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 241.

From Jewish law enforcement to Federal judges, I have been abandoned and ostracized and to this moment continue to live among people not of my peers. For what? Because a police officer found a crunched up piece of paper, a merry christmas balloon, a sea shell, and other insignificant items in front of her house. AS G-D IS MY WITNESS! For this they took my children and have left me to die. 

It wasn't just one bad incident of a Jew. It has been Randy Bowman, Elton Kantor, Kem Kantor, Alan Lazar, Chief Judge Alex Kozinski, Lori Finkel. It has been Jewish agencies, the ACLU, and thousands of others who have ignored my cries. It has been my own brothers, Rori and Renald Cosma. It has been my own sons, Nicholas and Matthew who were told such heinous defamation of my character that they have been told to stay away. 

It is not like I've asked all those agencies to do all the work because I have done all the work. The Jews have blacklisted me and have made me live in squaller. Their leadership has cursed our economy just as before WWI during the bolshevik revolution when they cursed the German economy, laughing at the pain and suffering of the poor people who were trying so hard to survive. 

Are they ashamed of themselves? They owe me an apology but they will never apologize because the Jews are arrogant filth and vermin, something that needs to be eradicated.

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